DEVSIM 1.1.0 Release

With this version, the evaluation of the Bernoulli function and its derivative is improved. Users should expect changes in numerical results. Please visit for information about downloading this software and its documentation.

The Bernoulli function,

\textrm{B} \left( x \right) = \frac{x}{\mathrm{e}^x – 1}

and its derivative,

\textrm{dBdx} \left( x \right) = \frac{\mathrm{e}^x – 1 – x \mathrm{e}^x}{\left(\mathrm{e}^x – 1\right)^2}

have been refactored. They are used to calculate electron and hole current densities using the Scharfetter-Gummel method.

The Bernoulli function has numerical issues when x approaches 0 and requires special evaluation. In this release, DEVSIM takes advantage of C++ math library functions for evaluating the denominator.

In addition, these functions are evaluated with extended precision, when this mode is enabled in the simulator.

Users should expect that simulation results should change in the number of solver iterations and small differences in simulation results.