Nothing more fun than writing documentation. Of course, no one can use your software if you don’t provide instructions. Contrary to what many software developers believe, providing an example is not the same as providing documentation.
Author Archives: Juan
Announcing TCAD Central
I’ve started a new website at It is a wiki dedicated to technology computer aided-design. Please check it out, and let me know if you have suggestions, or would like to participate.
Are you LinkedIn?
Linked in is a great tool to reconnect with former colleagues. I recommend you all check it out. It is interesting who you might run into in their groups. For example, check out the TCAD and Device modeling and simulation groups.
Happy New Years
2008 was a fun year. I made a lot of progress with the simulator, adding 2d and 3d device simulation.
Hoping to share more with all of you soon.
gmsh for 2d mosfet
Here is a 2d mosfet meshed with Gmsh and loaded into DEVSIM. Note that this is the same structure and doping which was originally shown here in my first post.
It just looks a lot better having used a nicer meshing tool than the one built into the software.
As before, the red areas are the electron concentration.
First 3d result
3d simulation
Mulling over the importance of 3d simulation. I’m by no means a meshing expert. Looking for third party tools to create tetrahedral meshes. As of now gmsh seems to look promising.
Most important device simulation features?
What are the most important features in a semiconductor device simulation software?
Is it accuracy, number of models, advanced models, 3d? What about ease of use, scripting capability, extensibility? Anything to be said for licensing models or price?
What is DEVSIM?
DEVSIM is the name of a project I’ve created to write my own semiconductor device simulator. It is written from scratch and is based on my experience writing and using TCAD software.
Even though many of the principles behind such a software are decades old, I feel there is a market. This is evidenced by a whole lot of TCAD software startups popping up on the web for the past few years.
So now I am trying to find my niche in this market. In future postings I will share more about some novel aspects to my approach.
Anyway, feel free to stop on by and say hello. I leave you with a baby picture from the simulator.