Category Archives: research

Density Gradient Method

The Density Gradient Method has been implemented as a simulation example for DEVSIM. This method is a quantum mechanical correction for carrier densities near a semiconductor/insulator interface.

The example scripts simulate both a 1D and 2D MOSCAP structure. The scripts generate plots to visualize the results.

It can be downloaded from

Solving for magnetic fields in DEVSIM.

This past week I’ve been experimenting with solving magnetic field problems. Here is my first result. Two wires are in the center of the figure with current flowing in opposite directions. The solution variable is the magnetic vector potential, A, and is shown in the color gradient. The arrows are the magnetic field, B, which is post processed from the solution. In turns out this post processing is similar to finding the vector impedance field used in noise analysis.


3d simulation

Mulling over the importance of 3d simulation.  I’m by no means a meshing expert.  Looking for third party tools to create tetrahedral meshes.  As of now gmsh seems to look promising.